Social Bookmarking for Atheist Websites

logo_atheist_spotFor those who may not be familiar with The Atheist Spot, it is a social bookmarking site, a la Digg and Reddit, exclusively for stories that we are likely to enjoy.

The site, whose tagline reads “In our minds we trust”, allows users to submit links that are voted up and down the news hierarchy. There are a variety of subcategories including Interviews, Video & Audio, Science & Technology, Events, and Books within which users can better classify their submissions.

There are three ways in which users can submit links to the site: through the “Add News” link on the website, through a javascript bookmarklet that can be accessed in your browser’s toolbar, and through embeddable image widgets that can be added to blog posts or new stories on your own site. I have the Sociable WordPress plugin installed on my site which uses PHP awesomeness to create dynamic submission links for each new blog post. Try it out below your favorite story on here to add it to The Atheist Spot for other users to enjoy.

Whether or not your submit links to the site, there is a wealth of great links on the site for all atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers.

Edit: I no longer use Sociable. I use SocioFluid which does not as easily allow for one to code in a custom bookmarking site. AtheistSpot is still pretty rad though, and you should totally use it.

Some Scripture Each Day Sends Satan Away!

I love daily desk calendars. You know, the ones where you tear a page off each day to reveal a new picture, cartoon, quote, etc. Next to my bed, I have The Far Side. At work, I have Dilbert. Now I have Bible Verses. Each day, I will now tear off a page to reveal a new combination of words, innocuous by themselves, but when arranged as scripture form a dangerous mind control spell that even Lord Voldemort couldn’t muster.

The back of the box quotes the apostle Paul in his letters to St. Timothy: “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Of course, the undertone of that last part really says, “man without scripture cannot do good works.” I also won’t point out any of the many very shitty things that have been done with their basis in scripture.

I would also like to point out that the Bible Verses are all from the NIV Bible. And I quoth, “Verses in this calendar are taken form the NIV Bible–the most widely accepted contemporary Bible translation available. More than one hundred scholars from six countries, representing no less than 2- denominations, worked on the English translation alone. The NIV Bible has been translated into more than 60 languages, reaching some 600 million people worldwide.” Basically, the version of the Bible these verses represent have been translated even more than some other versions. Also, it’s been further translated and interpreted for 60 other languages. I know these folks aren’t translating the Bible with Google Language Tools, but you’re an idiot if you don’t think that the Bible hasn’t lost some of its original meaning having changed hands so many times.

At last, I leave you with a random date’s verse, being that half the year has already passed.

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal. – Isiah 26:3-4

When I think of the Rock, I think music, Chevrolet, wrestling and Alacatraz, but the LORD is not on that list.