I debated on whether or not I should post this email, because I really don’t want to give this person the satisfaction. However, I think it is important to illustrate the twisted mindset of the opposition we face.
Do I have your attention Mr Blogger dude???
Man dude – with all the problems in the world – THIS hate God vengence is your imp crusade in life?? Are you nine years old dude??? Please, God, let this blogger be just a mentally disturbed individual and not a “sane” product of society…
For instance, here is a list of the 12 World Problems…
http://www.mac.edu/faculty/richardpalmer/POSTMODERN/application.htmlPollution – of the air, the water, the soil. – do you really believe too many prayers are causing all the pollution? Do you drive a car or walk? Or do you just stay home all day and blog???
Removing every church, synogue, mosque, big budha statue, sticks and stones on every street corner will not rid the planet of all the nukes, dude! Are you on any strong medication when you post???
Population growth outstripping resources worldwide. I got an idea! Why not next time blog to rid all the Atheists in order to sacrafice our resources! Or, perhaps a little less intrusive to you atheists, let all of you be deported to your own little commune where you do not have to hear the mare mention of God – or Allah – or Jesus – or Big Budda! You can all enjoy your evolution stories together with never having to worry about that knock on the door from a Jehovah again!
Unequal distribution of financial resources – Now aside from the fat rich pope or the Arab Muslims and the wealthy Mega church preachers – most God believing people are not rich in fact most today in other countries are being martyred for their faith (and they dont even blog!) Most of the money sits in the hands of the Democrats who pretend to be for the little guy! I am still waiting to see of Pres Obama truly believes in spreading the wealth but I still have yet to receive a personal check from him in my mail box. (Are you rich, dude??) Maybe you should give to the poor in between posting your hatred of religious folks! You can give on the computer, you know, dude!
aNTISEMITISM (well, I guess you wouldnt be concerned there since they are “religious” at times. I hope you are not a fan of Hitler! He was into evolution and Darwinism too and hated the Jews. Where did you post you are from? New York? I hope all the jews take cover from your posting finger!
And as an American – are you so clueless about the nation’s current woes??? And you blame it on religion? Dude! Are you serious??? I bet you didnt give one dime to Haiti, huh, dude! How could you when you are so busy posting the world is coming to and end over God lovers?! You must feel so imp, dud!! Do you sign internet autographs?? I mean, move over Pres Obama and give this dude his due earings of your peace award!!
Dude!! You really need to get a life and stay out of others’ lives! What a perfect world that would be if everyone followed suit! Such busy bodies in this world when millions are starving and dying of horrible diseases! Why not spend your hours you devote to your useless Blog to visiting the elderly in the old folk’s homes instead? I bet you dont even call your mom and see how she is doing! Shame! Shame! Shame! DUDE!!! Wake up!!! Life is short! (Esp with your impression of no after life!)
John (johnroe6551@yahoo.com)PS I bet this all boils down to that bicycle you didnt get on Christmas morning when you were 4 yrs old, right? You know, there are couselors for this dude!!!!
PSSS and dont pls comment back on religious fundamentalism! What a lame comeback that would be dude! Better yet, why dont you go right this minute, buy an airline ticket – (one way only I might add) and go to one of those Arab countries and present your very imp Blog to the leaders over there who hate us Americans! Surely your imp Blog will make all the difference with wanting to blow us up again like on 9/11!!
And do not even bother to send a reply, dude! If I see it come through on my computer I will delete on command!!!
****Dear God – please let this dude forget to save all his work and have a power crash for us internet travelers!! What a total waste of my search engine!****
If you got lost at any point in there, I’m afraid I can’t help you with that. However, the central message(?) seems to be something along the lines of “How can u cumplainz abot religionz wen so much uther bad stuff is goin on?” That’s what I was able to decipher anyway.
I really won’t go on any more about it, but you can see for yourself what this person thinks is a palatable argument. Maybe you could turn this into a mini drinking game. Every time you encounter a logical fallacy, you take a drink. You might have to change the rules around depending on your tolerance for alcohol/your hatred of your liver.