Comic illustrator Jeffrey Rowland of Overcompensating hit a home-run with his lampooning of vestigial organs and some of the not-so-intelligently designed parts of the human body. This comic is aptly titled “A Temple Constantly in Need of Repair.” Make sure to drop by his site and subscribe to his updates in your favorite feed reader.
Another Hit for SMBC
Original comic found at Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.
Creepy PVC Jesus
I saw this driving to Birmingham, Alabama this morning along Highway 280. I can only imagine what this abomination looks like lit up.
On an unrelated note, here’s another image to ponder. This is of a box of limes at my old job. The passage referenced reads, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Is the sailfish saying that? What if Jesus came back as a sailfish. Would anyone take him seriously? J&J Produce just could help but muddy their packaging by adding an unrelated scripture reference. I mean, if you really going to do that crap, you could put something somewhat related, like Galatians 5:22.