I hadn’t really realized how long I had been running this site until I looked up a few older posts a few weeks ago. This website has changed shape, servers, and domain names in those four years, but the central theme has stayed the same: religion is inherently violent and has no place in modern civilized society. As sort of a blast from the past, I present to you the first four blog posts I ever made on this site.
Subservience of Women
“What better move to make when writing the bible than to include a post to keep women in submission for all of time than to include the obligatory “men are better than women” verse.
The first epistle to Timothy brings us this travesty.” (Read More)
Evolution vs. Creation
“Life. Where did it come from? What does it have in store for me? What can I expect after life on earth?
Don’t know. It depends. Decomposition.” (Read More)
Don’t Pray For Me, Argentina
“I’ve got to hand it to Christianity. They have a pretty good racket setup. What most likely started as a simple way to keep the uneducated working class in check has become a self-perpetuating machine with all the right gimmicks built right in. Such as ‘We are right. Everyone else is wrong.’ Gotta love that one. No tolerance for diversity, no compassion for your fellow man, no ‘love thy neighbor’ (wait a tick…)” (Read More)
What Foxholes?
“You’ve probably all heard it. “There are no atheists in foxholes.” Oh really? What foxholes? And why wouldn’t they be down there? Are foxholes lined with Holy Water or some atheist repellant? I understand what this message is trying to convey, but that doesn’t make it anymore based in fact. The fact that people keep repeating this drivel only continues to lend to its credibility.” (Read More)
Happy anniversary! Four years is a long time in the blogosphere, so that is quite an achievement. Keep it up!
Religion started as a conveyance for discipline. But unfortunately it does not stop there. One of of the byproducts of religious faith is ubservience of women. I always think women have an equal status. But male dominated society has carefully consigned them to a secondary position.
Agreed. That post was what started this whole website. One of my female friends had quietly accepted the fact that she was second class in her relationship, all because of what is written in the Bible. It’s a shame that women of all patriarchal faiths are treated poorly.