Atheist Rap – The New Sensation?

Greydon Square is not a London locale. He is an openly atheist rapper, and his music is replete not only with sharp sound, but intelligent lyrics. His raps openly refute common proselyte topics including attacks on evolutionary theory, carbon dating and Pascal’s Wager.

Then they try and hit me with the wager
Who? Pascal’s wager. Who? Pascal’s wager.
Now that’s a fool’s bet
And against the intelligent it’s used less
Really? You bet!
This ain’t nothing new, they use it on kids
But for those who don’t know it goes a little like this:
“Wouldn’t you rather believe in God and be wrong
Then to not believe in God and be wrong
If you believe in God and your wrong you’ve lost nothing
But if you don’t believe and you’re wrong its all suffering”
The problem is you can try it on anything
Switch the Gods around and apply it to anything
The Flyin’ Spaghetti Monster, Zeus, Amin, Ra
Krishna, Odin, Baal and then Allah
Which one of em’s our God?
None of em, all false

He has faced pressure from many fundamentalist pundits and aptly makes the point that society is more concerned with rap promoting atheism than rap that supports beating women and selling crack. When you consider that atheists are the least trusted minority in the United States, it’s not hard to realize why that would be.

Even if you are not a fan of rap, I recommend you take a moment and visit the following links to show your support for a man that faces fire in the public spotlight every day for intelligently representing atheists in his art through appeals to scientific evidence.

6 thoughts on “Atheist Rap – The New Sensation?

  1. I don’t care for rap, but I support Greydon Square and his tell-it-like-it-is lyrics. (Why don’t more ROCKERS have words like Greydon’s?)

  2. I hope I’ll see the day when music like this goes mainstream. I’d love to see the religious right freak out when atheist rap hits the top 40.

  3. I’m not an avid fan of rap, but I do listen to some. This I will certainly listen to. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Indeed, Atheist rap is definitely the new sensation. About 3 years ago I couldn’t find anything on Atheism. Now all of sudden Atheism is topping best seller list. I could remember going to the local bookstore and having to place orders for books written by atheist. If you go to Barnes & Noble now they are carrying it on their shelves.

    I, for one, am taking heed to this trend in Atheism because there is a market for those who want to carry the atheist message in music… especially hip-hop music. The only competition that exist is from other Christian rap artist.

    In any case, listening to greydon square influenced me a lot to, likewise, message my music with atheistic overtones. As Greydon Square would say:

    “A call to arms.” [End Quote]

  5. I manage Greydon Square. If you have any interest or inquiries please email me at,

    Thank you

    *(We are available for interviews, questions, collaborations, etc.)

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