Religulous Clips

I recently posted the trailer for Bill Maher’s new documentary, Religulous. I found two clips that I wanted to share. The first one was particularly unsettling for me. Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR) professes belief in the creationist account of the formation of the world less than 6,000 years ago. The staggering lack of judgment and higher-order thinking skills represented with that statement make me shudder. This man creates law! All three branches of our government are infested with godbot automatons that swallow these fairy tales hook, line and sinker.

EDIT: The YouTube clips are no longer available (Thanks, Lionsgate!), but there are still a variety of other clips and interviews available on YouTube.

Religulous: Truth for the masses at last

I don’t know whether to be happy that such an amazing film is being released, or to be sad knowing that I will likely have to drive more than 100 miles to see it for myself.

I doubt this movie will really sway anyone. After all, The Bashin’ of the Christ didn’t really convert many folks; it served mostly to reinforce and solidify the beliefs of those already in line with the film’s theme. Likely the same will hold true for Religulous.

IF (and that’s a big IF where I’m from) any god-believers actually see this movie, they will likely leave the movie just as wrapped in their mythology as they were when they entered, but feeling a bit more persecuted. After all, it’s okay for them to remind me that I’m condemning myself to hell by not praying to Sky Daddy, but it’s not okay for me to remind them that they are practicing only a slightly more complex belief system than children do in believing in Santa Claus.

Please spread this video on your own blogs, talk about it, write about it, and when the time comes, go and see it. This stands to be a great opportunity to have a few folks scratch their heads and reconsider their life’s direction. Live out of hope of heaven and fear of hell?… or do good to others because it creates a great environment in which to live?

The choice: she’s a clear one.

Great Video Blog on Atheism

This is a great video that pretty much sums up my views on the perception of religion and atheism.

“I think it’s an act of supreme hubris to fill unanswered questions with a god we’ve created in our own image. To assume the world works on the same set of principles that we do is completely arrogant and intellectually weak.” – Micki Krimmel @